Optimize your operation in terms of cost, safety, comfort and lower emissions.


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Seemless Integration

Smooth integration to existing systems

Seemless Integration

Smooth integration to existing systems

User Friendly

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Save fuel

Smooth integration to existing systems

Seemless Integration

Smooth integration to existing systems

Save 1.6% fuel

CLEARPATH is a ground-based service that communicates with the aircraft via ACARS. It calculates the truly cost-optimal cruise profile based on selected cost index, actual performance data and the current atmosphere. The pilots will receive an easy to read report providing decision support for selecting the most optimal flight level

Strength & stamina

In FitFlex’s Strength and Stamina class, we will delve deep into building the fittest body you can. The class aims to not only shape you up, but also instruct and inform you in the right methods to do weightlifting and working out.

Flexibility postures

Flexibility postures

Learn how to maintain a comfortable and healthy posture, with our comprehensive class that goes through the most popular Yoga and Pilates postures. These postures are gears to make your body more flexibile and agile.

achieving your goals

Getting in shape forces you to face your biggest challenges, and sticking to a regular routine for a long period of time. This class will make sure you know how to focus on the right exercises and workouts to reach your goals. 


achieving your goals

Getting in shape forces you to face your biggest challenges, and sticking to a regular routine for a long period of time. This class will make sure you know how to focus on the right exercises and workouts to reach your goals. 

achieving your goals

Getting in shape forces you to face your biggest challenges, and sticking to a regular routine for a long period of time. This class will make sure you know how to focus on the right exercises and workouts to reach your goals. 

achieving your goals

Getting in shape forces you to face your biggest challenges, and sticking to a regular routine for a long period of time. This class will make sure you know how to focus on the right exercises and workouts to reach your goals. 

User friendly

Easy presentation to the pilot on either EFB or cockpit printer

User friendly

Easy presentation to the pilot on either EFB or cockpit printer

User friendly

Easy presentation to the pilot on either EFB or cockpit printer

User friendly

Easy presentation to the pilot on either EFB or cockpit printer

User friendly

Easy presentation to the pilot on either EFB or cockpit printer

User friendly

Easy presentation to the pilot on either EFB or cockpit printer


Save 1.6% fuel

CLEARPATH is a ground-based service that communicates with the aircraft via ACARS. It calculates the truly cost-optimal cruise profile based on selected cost index, actual performance data and the current atmosphere. The pilots will receive an easy to read report providing decision support for selecting the most optimal flight level

Increased passenger comfort

CLEARPATH is a ground-based service that communicates with the aircraft via ACARS. It calculates the truly cost-optimal cruise profile based on selected cost index, actual performance data and the current atmosphere. The pilots will receive an easy to read report providing decision support for selecting the most optimal flight level

User friendly

Easy presentation to the pilot on either EFB or cockpit printer alsök adölkaasdölk ölk asd

User friendly

Easy presentation to the pilot on either EFB or cockpit printer alsök adölkaasdölk ölk asd

User friendly

Easy presentation to the pilot on either EFB or cockpit printer alsök adölkaasdölk ölk asd


Outperforming FMC optimization – providing a cost-optimal total cruise profile

Cost Index based – uses actual set Cost Index and performance data in FMC.

Accurate Weather – high-resolution weather, tailored for each individual 4D flight route.

User friendly – easy to read report delivered directly to the pilots.

No new investments required – utilises already existing aircraft onboard equipment.

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CLEARPATH , now introducing our new flight path optimizer.

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Seemless Integration

Smooth integration to existing systems

User friendly

Easy presentation to the pilot on either EFB or cockpit printer

User friendly

Easy presentation to the pilot on either EFB or cockpit printer

Investor Relations

AVTECH offer a free trial with an analysis to calculate the actual saving potential to build a business case

Get in touch

We realize that our unique solutions and algorithms might raise a question or two. Please send us your questions, and we promise to answer them and set you on your way to make things genius.



Who We Are. What We Do

We are Ferdy and Anna. Married for 2 years and passionate for photography, videography and webdesign.

We work as a team and combine our talents so we can be of a great service to you.


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