AVTECH signs two contracts in the key wake vortex area with a Middle Eastern airport.

Wake vortex limits capacity and is a potential safety issue at airports around the world; newly developed AVTECH systems contribute to increased capacity while maintaining or improving safety levels. The use of these tools constitutes another step towards successfully implementing Performance Based Operations (PBO).

AVTECH has signed two new agreements in the wake vortex area through its associated company AVTECH Middle East LLC. The first is on establishing the strength of wake vortex encounters experienced on approach to land, and the second is assessing potential wake vortex effect on aircraft flying new approach procedures. The main objective of these projects is to analyze and provide data which will contribute to increase capacity and throughput while maintaining or improving safety levels at a major airport.

The wake strength project focuses on determining the strength of wake encounters from aircraft flight data. This will be the first time that reported wake encounters will be analyzed in an objective form by a commercial product to determine the significance of each wake encounter. The wake strength analysis will be performed with data from the aircrafts’ “black boxes”; the software is developed by AVTECH subsidiary AVTECH France SARL, located in Toulouse, France. It has been recommended in the European WakeNet3 project* that all significant wake vortex encounters in Europe are analyzed this way.

The second project is to perform wake vortex analysis of new approach and landing procedures through Monte Carlo simulations where a large amount of simulated flights, over one million, will be performed. The simulations will be able to determine the wake generation, transportation and decay based on a variety of factors including traffic mix and weather, amongst others. This ensures that any unintended consequences with the new procedures can be predicted even before the first flight is flown. The Monte Carlo simulations are performed at AVTECH HQ north of Stockholm, Sweden.

“This particular region is in a unique Mesometeorological zone which effects wake transport and decay. Our tools will allow for greater insight in to the behavior of wake within the terminal environment.” comments AVTECH ME CEO, Lars GV Lindberg.

“Addressing wake vortex is a key issue for airports around the world due to the effects on capacity and safety. AVTECH has invested in developing systems that can contribute to address these issues. The grant that we received from VINNOVA, Sweden’s Governmental Innovation Agency, in April 2012, has been of great assistance as we have ramped up the product development and validation ahead of these projects.“ states David Alvord, AVTECH Sweden CEO.

Both projects have started and it is targeted to be completed by December 15th 2012. Total contract value is equivalent to approximately 1 million SEK.

*Read more by visiting the project website on www.wakenet.eu

For more information:
Charlotte Johnston Lönnberg
Direct: +46 (0) 8 544 104 82
E-mail: charlotte.johnston@avtech.aero

About AVTECH Sweden AB (publ
AVTECH develops products and services for digital Air Traffic Management (ATM). Its customers include the global aviation industry; e.g. airlines, airports, aviation authorities, technology companies and airline manufacturers. By using AVTECH’s products and services, each individual flight as well as the entire airline operation can be optimized in terms of cost, noise and emission, efficiency, punctuality and safety. The head office is in Stockholm, Sweden with subsidiaries in Toulouse, France and Dubai, U.A.E. AVTECH Sweden AB is listed on NASDAQ OMX First North and has appointed Thenberg & Kinde Fondkommission AB as Certified Adviser.