AVTECH draws attention to an informative article about Aventus in Norwegian media.

Norwegian airline has been a customer of AVTECH since December 2018.
AVTECH adapts its services to each aircraft model (B737NG, B737MAX and B787) in the Norwegian fleet. Advanced and customized weather data from AVTECH's unique weather service Aventus is sent to each individual flight, which saves fuel and reduces CO2 emissions.

Norwegian recently conducted a flight with journalists from the Norwegian magazine "Teknisk Ukeblad" aboard in order to show how Aventus, which is now a fully integrated part of Norwegian's air operations procedures, is used in practice.
The journalistic result after the flight between Oslo and Tromsö is described inter alia. on the newspaper's website in both picture and text.

In the link (in Norwegian) https://www.tu.no/articles/avanserte-vardetata-tikker-in-cockpiten-slik-parare-norwegian-pilotene-fuel-br/467813 , the report is shown, including a shorter video sequence from the flight.

As the article in a descriptive way shows how AVTECH's services come to practical use in the Cockpit, it is a pleasure for the board to highlight this in this way.

For more information, please contact 

Bo Redeborn, Styrelseordförande +46 (0) 8 544 104 80
Christer Fehrling, CEO +46 (0) 8 544 104 80

The information was submitted for publication by the contact persons listed above, on 08 July 2019 at 11.30 CET.  

About AVTECH Sweden AB (publ)
AVTECH develops products and services for digital air traffic control systems. Customers are the aviation industry's various players such as airlines, airports, aviation, technology companies and aircraft manufacturers. With the help of the company's products and services, each individual flight or the entire flight operation can be optimized in terms of economy, noise and emissions, efficiency, punctuality and safety. The head office is in Stockholm / Kista. AVTECH Sweden AB (publ) is listed on NASDAQ OMX First North and has appointed Redeye AB to certified adviser. 
Email address: certifiedadviser@redeye.se and telephone number +46 (0)8 121 576 90.