AVTECH’s webinar on ClearPath generates great interest

AVTECH’s Aircraft IT live webinar on January 28, 2021, focused on the companys ClearPath flight optimization service generated a lot of interest. The webinar was conducted in two separate and well-attended sessions with a total of 158 registered participants from 97 airlines.

The webinar was held with the objective of providing participants an overview of the challenges currently associated with flying an optimal flight profile as well as an understanding of ClearPath and how this service enables airlines to easily address these challenges and increase efficiency.

The presentation is now available via the following video link.

"It's great to see this high level of airline participation. This shows that there is now a great deal of interest in this type of solution which delivers fuel savings and increased sustainability in the airline industry without requiring new investments in equipment." says Niklaes Persson, Marketing Director.

About ClearPath

ClearPath is an automatic service for optimizing the aircraft's flight profile. The service processes real-time aircraft data, such as weight, cost index and active route, and combines these parameters with sophisticated high-resolution weather forecasts from Met Office UK. The result is a cost-optimal flight profile delivered to the cockpit in a user-friendly format. This means that an airline can easily save fuel and the environment by making maximum use of favorable winds. ClearPath also stands out as the service uses the aircraft's existing equipment and data links, which allows an airline to easily deploy the system without the need for new investments.

For more information, please contact

Niklaes Persson, Marketing Director +46 (0) 8 544 104 80

David Rytter, CEO, +46 (0) 8 544 104 80

This information was submitted through the above contact person’s provision for publication on Feb 2, 2020 at 12:30 CET.


About AVTECH Sweden AB (publ)

AVTECH develops products and services for digital air traffic control systems. Customers are the aviation industry's various players such as airlines, airports, aviation, technology companies and aircraft manufacturers. With the help of the company's products and services, each individual flight or the entire flight operation can be optimized in terms of economy, noise and emissions, efficiency, punctuality and safety. The head office is in Stockholm. AVTECH Sweden AB (publ) is listed on NASDAQ First North Growth Market and has appointed Redeye AB to certified adviser. Email address: certifiedadviser@redeye.se and telephone number +46 (0)8 121 576 90.