AVTECH announces Aventus Enroute and Descent Winds service extension for Southwest Airlines

AVTECH Sweden AB (publ) announces a three-year contract extension with Dallas, Texas-based Southwest Airlines® for the Aventus Enroute and Descent Winds service. The service agreement is extended until the end of June 2026 with an expected contract value between 38 and 52 MSEK, dependent on USD exchange rate.

The Aventus Enroute and Descent Winds services, together also known as Aventus Full-flight Winds, provides highly accurate and tailored wind and temperature information in-flight to Southwest Airline’s aircraft. This supports improved flight execution, increased situational awareness, and reduced workload for the pilots.

The optimized descent winds enable improved aircraft automation while reducing the CO2 footprint and flight crew workload for the descent phase of each flight. Through optimization of the flight path, AVTECH estimates the service to save up to 84 000 metric tons of CO2e yearly in Southwest’s operation. This is a part of the airline’s initiative to reduce its environmental impact. Utilization of Aventus optimal wind data additionally positions Southwest for the continued expansion of NextGen initiatives.

“We are glad to receive Southwest’s continued trust as its service provider and look forward to continuing our good cooperation in support of improved flight efficiency, safety, and timeliness of each flight. We also look forward to the opportunity to expand the collaboration and demonstrate the full value of AVTECH's in-flight optimization offering,” said David Rytter, AVTECHs CEO.

About Aventus

The Aventus Full-flight Winds service provides optimized weather uplinks for each stage of a flight, including the climb, enroute and descent phases. Aventus is a unique and patented system, enabling accurate wind information and 4D Trajectories for flights, making use of the very best in atmospheric modelling to create wind data packages for the different phases of a flight. Data packages are uplinked in real-time to the aircraft to enable the onboard Flight Management Computer (FMC) to accurately calculate a flight profile and the time when each route waypoint will be reached. The Aventus solution is environmentally friendly as it enables aircraft to fly more efficient altitudes and RNP approaches resulting in immediate airline fuel and CO2 savings benefits. The service is also imperative for future time-based flight operations, an area where Aventus provides even larger overall environmental and operational benefits. Time-based operations will increase the efficiency and punctuality of individual flights and of the air transport system.



Southwest Airlines Co. operates one of the world's most admired and awarded airlines, offering its one-of-a-kind value and Hospitality at 121 airports across 11 countries. Southwest took flight in 1971 to democratize the sky through friendly, reliable, and low-cost air travel and now carries more air travelers flying nonstop within the United States than any other airline*. Based in Dallas and famous for an Employee-first corporate Culture, Southwest maintains an unprecedented record of no involuntary furloughs or layoffs in its history. By empowering its nearly 70,000** People to deliver unparalleled Hospitality, the maverick airline cherishes a passionate loyalty among more than 126 million Customers carried in 2022. That formula for success brought industry-leading prosperity and 47 consecutive years*** of profitability for Southwest Shareholders (NYSE: LUV). Southwest leverages a unique legacy and mission to serve communities around the world including harnessing the power of its People and Purpose to put communities at the Heart of its success. Learn more by visiting Southwest.com/citizenship. As the airline with Heart, Southwest has set a goal to work toward achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Southwest has also set near-term targets and a four-pillar strategy to achieve its environmental goals. Learn more by visiting Southwest.com/planet.

*U.S. Dept. of Transportation most recent reporting of domestic originating passengers boarded

**Fulltime-equivalent active Employees

***1973-2019 annual profitability