AVTECH is a Swedish publicly listed software development company founded in 1988 by an airline pilot that was looking for better weather input to the aircraft systems. We are located in Kista, right in heart of Sweden’s technological center just north of Stockholm. It started out as a research project that later led to commercial products proven to help airlines optimize their operational efficiency.
Airlines and Air Traffic Control are facing challenges to optimize the flow of air traffic. With better predictions we can reduce delays and thereby reduce fuel consumption, lower emissions and increase punctuality. Accurate information of atmospheric conditions is essential for Time-based Operations, as it is important to accurately position an aircraft during its flight. For more information about TBO-projects>
Our products are based on high-quality data combined with our patented solutions, helping our customers save fuel and time, fly safer and decrease their environmental footprint. They can be adapted to any existing aircraft system, as well as being utilised through our EFB application proFLIGHT, meaning no hardware investments required. More information about our products>

David Rytter
Born: 1983
Employed since: 2010
read moreEducation: MSc Aerospace Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), graduated in 2010
BSc Aeronautical Engineering, Mälardalens Högskola (MDH), graduated in 2008
Military service, Swedish Armed Forces, graduated in 2005
Business Administration, Örebro University, graduated in 2004
Pilot License, Scandinavian Aviation Academy, graduated in 2003
Previous positions: Chief Technical Officer, AVTECH Sweden AB (publ), 2015-2019
Head of Aventus NowCast Technology, AVTECH Sweden AB (publ), 2013-2015
Project Manager, AVTECH Sweden AB (publ), 2012-2013
Process and Application Consultant and Project Quality Lead, PTC Sweden AB, 2010-2012
Voluntary Pilot, Swedish Voluntary Flying Corps (FKK), 2006 and ongoing
No. of shares: 35,000

Christina Zetterlund
Born: 1980
Employed since: 2020
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Niklaes Persson
Employed since:
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Bo Redeborn
Born: 1952
Joined AVTECH in 2014
read moreEducation: Air Traffic Controller and 40 years` experience in Air Traffic Management
Previous positions: Principial Director ATM & Director SESAR and Research at Eurocontrol
Director (ATM) Strategies Eurocontrol, strategic contribution to the Single European Sky initiative. Principal Director ATM, Director SESAR and Research. ATM Support and Development, Manager Air Traffic Management, at LFV, the Swedish Air Navigation Service Provider.
Holdings of shares in AVTECH per September 30 2019: (Private and through wholly owned company)
A-shares: 450 084, B-shares: 362 598. Joined the board in 2014
Bo Redeborn är oberoende i förhållande till Bolaget och dess ledande befattningshavare.

Christer Fehrling
Born: 1944
Joined AVTECH: Board member since 2008
read moreActing CEO 2016 – 2019 Education: Master of economics
Previous positions: Management Consultant and teacher at IFL (Swedish Institute of Management) during more than 30 years.
CEO and partner in different private companies during more than 40 years.
A member of the Board in more than 25 companies in Sweden.
Project manager heading larger development projects for, among others, EBRD, Sida, IFC and the World Bank
Holdings of shares in AVTECH per September 30 2019: (Private and family)
A-shares: 884 968, B-shares: 2 349 515. Joined the board in 2008
Christer Fehrling är beroende i förhållande till Bolaget och dess ledande befattningshavare.

Ingvar Zöögling
Born: 1949
Joined AVTECH in 2008
read moreEducation: Degree of Master of Laws
Previous positions: Legal Advisor
Holdings of shares in AVTECH per September 30 2019: (Private and through partly owned company)
A-shares: 84 800, B-shares: 54 454. Joined the board in 2008
Ingvar Zöögling är oberoende i förhållande till Bolaget och dess ledande befattningshavare.

Jonny Olsson
Born: 1944
Joined AVTECH in 2018
read moreEducation: Engineer (KTH, HTL)
Previous positions: CEO Olcon Engineering AB, owner Olcon Engineering AB
Inventor and Entrepreneur in the security business, vast experience from sales and management of projects internationally including deliveries to North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and North Africa.
Holdings of shares in AVTECH per September 30 2019: (Private and through partly owned company)
A-shares: 1 411 084, B-shares: 1 159 300. Joined the board in 2018
Jonny Olsson är oberoende i förhållande till Bolaget och dess ledande befattningshavare.
The UK Met Office provides 4D trajectory data on demand via an API so that AVTECH can make requests in real-time for data from the Met Office’s global model. This can be used for the descent, cruise and climb phases of operation for any global airport. The 4D trajectory query can also extract a “corridor” of weather forecast data from the weather model to identify gridded aviation hazard data, e.g. turbulence into the AVTECH proFLIGHT product range. READ MORE>
In our EFB app proFLIGHT we provide users that participate in IATAs Turbulence Aware program with real-time turbulence data. The real-time turbulence information is combined with high-resolution turbulence forecasts from the UK Met Office to give the pilot the best overview of the weather conditions. Read more about the program>
Sign up here to take part of a webinar about how AVTECH combine high-resolution turbulence forecasts from Met Office with real-time data from IATA and what the benefits of this combination are. Sign up >
Work at AVTECH
AVTECH is a small company, with a creative and casual work environment, expecting growth in the coming few years. If you find any of our openings interesting you’re welcome to drop us a line at career@avtech.aero.
Of course we are GDPR compliant so your personal data is secured. You will find our Privacy Policy here!