About us


AVTECH is a Swedish publicly listed software development company founded in 1988 by an airline pilot that was looking for better weather input to the aircraft systems. We are located in Kista, right in heart of Sweden’s technological center just north of Stockholm. It started out as a research project that later led to commercial products proven to help airlines optimize their operational efficiency.

For airlines

Our products are based on high-quality data combined with our patented solutions, helping our customers save fuel and time, fly safer and decrease their environmental footprint. They can be adapted to any existing aircraft system, as well as being utilised through our EFB application proFLIGHT, meaning no hardware investments required. 

optimize traffic flow

Airlines and Air Traffic Control are facing challenges to optimize the flow of air traffic. With better predictions we can reduce delays and thereby reduce fuel consumption, lower emissions and increase punctuality. Accurate information of atmospheric conditions is essential for Time-based Operations, as it is important to accurately position an aircraft during its flight